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subject teacher中文是什么意思

用"subject teacher"造句"subject teacher"怎么读"subject teacher" in a sentence


  • 科任教师
  • "subject"中文翻译    adj. 1.受…支配的,附属的,从属的,受支配的。 2 ...
  • "teacher"中文翻译    n. 1.教师,教员,老师,先生。 2.【航空】教练机。 ...
  • "a teacher" 中文翻译 :    一个老师; 一名教师; 一位老师
  • "as a teacher" 中文翻译 :    作为一名教师
  • "be a teacher" 中文翻译 :    执教
  • "teacher" 中文翻译 :    n. 1.教师,教员,老师,先生。 2.【航空】教练机。 a bomb teacher 轰炸预习机。 be one's own teacher 自学。 a teacher of mathematics in a secondary school 中学的数学教员。 a lady [woman] teacher 女教师。 a teacher's college 师范学院。 teacher by negative example 反面教员。
  • "to the teacher" 中文翻译 :    写给老师的话
  • "a subject" 中文翻译 :    一门课程; 一门学科,一个科目
  • "be subject to" 中文翻译 :    从属于;可能;遭受; 服从,受……的支配,必须得到,易遭…; 经受,遭受; 受支配, 从属于, 可以...的, 常遭受..; 以…为依据; 易受……影响,隶属; 易受…的;惯患…的; 有…倾向的
  • "by subject" 中文翻译 :    按主题; 依主题
  • "in subject to" 中文翻译 :    受…约束
  • "is subject to" 中文翻译 :    受影响的
  • "on the subject of" 中文翻译 :    关于, 论及
  • "subject" 中文翻译 :    adj. 1.受…支配的,附属的,从属的,受支配的。 2.易受…的,易遭…的,动不动就…的,易患…的 (to)。 3.有关本题目的,有关本科目的。 4.以…为条件[转移]的,必须得到…的 (to)。 Such conduct is subject to criticism. 这种行为容易受到批评。 a person subject to attacks of fever 容易发寒热的人。 The treaty is subject to ratification. 本条约须经批准。 subject to damage 易遭损害的。 subject to check 须加核对的。 subject to sale 以出售为条件的;供出售的。 n. 1.(君主国的)臣民,国民。 2.主题,问题;论题,话题;主因,原因,起因;科目,学科;主旨;主人翁。 3.【语法】主语;【哲学】主观;我,自我,主体 ( opp. object) 【逻辑学】主位,主辞 ( opp. attribute) 【音乐】主题,乐旨,主旋律;【文艺】主题。 4.对象;被催眠者,解剖用尸体;被实验者,实验材料;病人,患者;…质的人,…性质的人。 a British subject 一个英国国籍的人。 the English subject (集合词)英国国民。 the subject of a story 故事的主题。 a serious subject 重大问题。 a subject for laughter 笑柄。 a medical subject 内科[外科]病人。 a good [bad] subject有[没有]希望医好的病人。 a hysterical subject 歇斯底里患者。 a plethoric subject 多血质的人。 vt. 1.使隶属,使服从,使附属,在…下面(to)。 2.使受…,使患…,使遭受…;加(to)。 3.提供,提出,呈核,委托,交给 (to)。 subject one's plans to another's consideration 把计划提交别人斟酌。 be subjected to 受到,容易受到,遭受,处于;被…折磨。 subject oneself to 蒙,受。 adj. -less 无题的;无主题的。
  • "subject to" 中文翻译 :    表示“使服从; 屈从于; 使服从,使遭受; 使受到,使遭遇; 受支配的; 受..所限; 受……支配的,易遭……的; 受限于; 受制于,易; 易受的; 易受...的,受...支配的,将会...的; 易受……的影响; 易受…影响; 易受到; 有…的倾向;易遭;易患;受制于;根据…; 有待于……的; 指以……为条件; 遵照; 做介词短语; 作介词短语
  • "once a teacher,always a teacher" 中文翻译 :    一次为师,终生为帅
  • "you are a wonderful teacher teacher !" 中文翻译 :    你是个很棒的老师
  • "elective subject optional subject" 中文翻译 :    选习科
  • "subject word (subject heading)" 中文翻译 :    主题词
  • "a kind teacher" 中文翻译 :    和善的老师
  • "a kindly teacher" 中文翻译 :    和蔼的教师
  • "a retired teacher" 中文翻译 :    退休教师
  • "a retiring teacher" 中文翻译 :    即将退休的教师
  • "a sadistic teacher" 中文翻译 :    以虐待学生为乐的教师
  • "a school teacher" 中文翻译 :    小学教员


  • Subject teachers use the internet , powerpoint , video , graphics and animation to teach
  • Subject teachers encourage students to present their projects electronically
  • Specialist subjects of mandarin , it , pe and music are taught by single - subject teachers
  • It training courses should be tailor - made to suit the different needs of the science subject teachers and the arts subject teachers
  • Students who are absent due to sickness should submit parents ' letter together with doctors ' certificates to the subject teacher when they come back to school
  • The construction of inter - subject teacher - student relationship is also important . at last , we should build up the appraise system and classroom regulations
  • All class supervisors will meet students ' parents and give a speech for 10min . all subject teachers will meet students ' parents in the classroom from 3 : 20pm to 4 : 30pm
  • Discipline teachers , form teachers and subject teachers work hand in hand to assess students conduct with reference to the conduct assessment procedures laid down by the school discipline team . a good conduct grade is based on substantial and objective commendations that can truly reflect the quality of a student
  • However , writer find there are many problems in information literacy of subject teachers in our schools , after questionnaire and literature search . teachers can not use computers skillful , and more teachers can not apply technology into teaching and studying , and all teachers hardly master knowledge about information ethic
  • Because the development of learning environment and problem - based exploring mcai is a systemic project , and relate to many design ways of alternating program , which is very difficulty for non - computer teacher to achieve it . it is required urgently to instructional designer to master the theory and practical research of problem - based exploring mcai in order to provide convenience for subject teacher who develop exploring learning with help of multimedia computer and internet
用"subject teacher"造句  
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